The discovery of the expansion
of the universe achieved by the astronomer Edwin Hubble at 1929, was
based on the red shift of the faraway galaxies, red shift occurs when an
object is receding far away from an observer, and so the object´s light
wave left behind it get elongated, light waves when elongated are
shifted to red Fig.1. When Hubble discovered that the light received
from the galaxies located farther away from the Earth, is more red
shifted, that means the farther galaxies receding speeds from the Earth
are higher than the nearby ones, which means that as the farthest
galaxies are speeding up ⁽¹⁾,
the whole universe containing them is receding from us, or by another
way, it is expanding, but what is the relation between this and the age
of the universe?
Fig. 1 ⁽²⁾
As we know that the light speed
is constant, and the light speed is equal to the distance divided by
time, this means estimating the distance of certain stars (Cephids
variable stars) with knowing the speed of light, will estimate for us
the time these stars took to recede from the Earth. When applying this
idea on the whole universe that is also considered to be receding from a
singularity point, with using extra equations, and the farthest seen
galaxies, the age of the universe was calculated.
In addition, the farther these
galaxies seemed to be, the greater the red shift, and thus the faster
they seemed to be speeding away. This was the first direct evidence that
the universe is not static but expanding. By calculating when all of
the objects must have started speeding out from the same point yielded
the first estimate of the age of the Universe.
According to science, the age
of the universe is 13.75 ± 0.11 billion. This is however only the
estimated time since the Big Bang. It is not known if something existed
before the singularity that we call Big Bang, nor if time is linear, since the expansion estimated by Hubble's law assumed a linear expansion. Furthermore, as per scientists, calculating the age of the universe is only accurate if the assumptions built into the models being used to estimate it are also accurate, considering that:
"Based on the fact they have assumed the underlying model they used is correct"
However, the Big Bang model
according to which these calculations were done is banged hardly
nowadays by many scientists; Briane Greene is one of them. From my point
of view as a mechanical engineer, the Big Bang cannot create a
universe, neither any body can imagine that, the Big Bang should be
considered as a moment that either set the universe to expand by itself,
or pushed its constituents to expand, no more than that, this means
their should be some other shape of the universe at the Bang time, am I
right or am I wrong to consider it has a shape, can be further supported
by the following discussion.
For a mechanical engineer, not
like a physicist, the look to the universe is different, what we see in
the universe are products, a product to be produced need a tool to make
it, the tool model should have two basic requirements: a- Geometrical
shape. B- Type of energetic movement. These are required to imprint its
geometry on the product and to give it part of its motive energy to move
it in a systematic meaningful guided way. The Big Bang only cause
expansion and temperature decrease, but it destroys instead of creating a
meaningful products shapes, the term gravity is inserted in-between the
universe constituents as an additive that prevents the side effects of
the Big Bang, but if we know that since the most amazing discovery ⁽³⁾
at 1998 that the universe is accelerating in its expansion, nobody can
persuade a scientist or a child that the gravity has held the universe
constituents since a long time when the effect of the Big Bang expansion
was great, while the gravity now became weak when the effect of the Big
Bang decayed, neither can anybody explain how after the Big Bang by
billions of years the universe started to accelerate its expansion,
because any natural or manmade explosion in the nature after an
accelerating expansion by a short period, and slowing down, can start
again to accelerate it after a long period.
Also, the Big Bang constituents
(celestial bodies, dark matter) after the Bang’s power expanding effect
decays should leave these in a natural fall, which we can not see
today. So every point of thinking supports that a geometrical model
should be standing behind the natural phenomena that we are discovering
and seeing, that geometrical model should not only explain what we have
discovered or seen, it should reveal what we do not know.
As the expansion of the
universe is supporting the idea if we go by time backwards the universe
should be smaller, and as the expansion of the universe supports the
thermodynamic principle of temperature decrease (as size increase,
temperature increase), which also is discovered to be applicable in the
universe case, that means our assumed model should be naturally
expanding, but as the 1998 discovery demands an acceleration in the
expansion, our model should be also naturally accelerating in its
But what about the universe
constituents? How can it be distributed normally all around inside the
universe without falling down naturally?
If we search around us for a
type of movement that can distribute a system constituents inside a 3D
model naturally without falling down, we will find that it is by
rotating the constituents, as in the hurricane, or sugar rotated inside a
Now we added another
requirement to our model, in addition to expansion, it iss rotating, if
we try to draw a sketch for a 2D model, rotating and expanding, the
shape will be a spiral, if we try to draw a 3D shape for it, it will be
much like a scroll (nearly folded paper).
So, the assumed geometrical
shape of the universe should be a spiral scroll, an expanding scroll. A
quick direct fingerprint of a universe having this shape are the spiral
galaxies, a quick look at an expanding scroll can show clearly it is
accelerating in its expansion when set to move freely from a folded
state, while it is distributing any constituents inside it upside down
without falling, and with keeping it moving as every celestial object is
moving in the universe.
Before calculating such
universe actual age, we need to remember that light is the main tool to
carry out that, but we need to remember also that the movement of this
universe is not straight linear as that resulting from the Big Bang, it is Spiral Logarithmic.
But light in a non straight
space (space-time) does not move straight, according to the results of
Sir Arthur Eddington expedition, which carried out interpretations of
the general relativity, light which is normally expected to be a beam
following a straight line, is found to follow a curved path while
passing a high gravity curved field (Fig. 2). While it is well-known
that light passes in-between two different density mediums e.g.: from
air to water, it suffers from deviation, while if we let it to pass
through multi different increasing density mediums, it will suffer from a
great deviation that will appear from far away to be curved. Also it is
proved that the light passing from behind the galaxies towards us will
be divided all around the galaxy's curved space, where it finally
appears in our telescopes as a lens of light (Fig. 3).
Further phenomenon of light
track suffering from bending, can be seen by the deflection of light
(sent out from the location shown in blue (Fig. 4) near a compact body
(shown in gray) Closely related to light deflection is the gravitational
time delay (or Shapiro effect), the phenomenon that light signals take longer to move through a gravitational field than they would in the absence of that field. There have been numerous successful tests of this prediction. In the parameterized
post-Newtonian formalism (PPN), measurements of both the deflection of
light and the gravitational time delay determine a parameter called γ,
which encodes the influence of gravity on the geometry of space. ^ Will 1993, sec. 7.1 and 7.2
Fig. 2 ⁽⁴⁾
Fig. 3 ⁽⁵⁾
Fig. 4 ⁽⁶⁾ |
So the light can bend, curve,
delay while moving through the universe depending on the shape and
strength of what is called gravitational field while passing through or
nearby it were a high curvature of space-time is caused by huge masses
This means that the path of
light is curving in space, when the density of the fabric of the cosmos
(space-time) is changing, so we can further suppose if we twist the
fabric of the cosmos in the space in away, that the density of this
fabric is increasing gradually, from point to point, along the twisted
space, the path of light will be twisted.
Now, what about the effect of a
whole curved spiral universe on a beam of light moving from the borders
of the universe towards our Earth?
If the heavens are rolled like a
scroll, and expanding in a spiral track, this will lead us to assume
that the light track will be twisted in the shape of a spiral through
great astronomical distances, this means that the age of universe that
we are measuring, may be different from the actual age, how?
As the light will move in a
spiral way not straight linear track, from the point it appeared after
the Big Bang happened, or the first stars light appearing until it
reached us, this means that the light will follow a longer path from the
point it left, to the point it reached. But how can we know how much is
the pitch of the spiral way that light will follow, so that we can
measure its distance length?
If we take a paper, and check
which type of spiral shape it follows when it expands, we will find that
any point on the paper scroll path, will increase its distance, and
speed logarithmically, while moving away from the centre, this type of
spiral path, is called a logarithmic spiral. For example, in Fig. 5, if
we move from the centre (A) to point (C) in a straight line, we will
pass 9 units of distance, while if we take the spiral way, we will pass
around 27 units of distance, also we can see for each cycle of the
spiral track, we moved away from the centre, we move 3 times the
straight distance that we moved in the cycle prior to it, meaning for
each cycle, we get logarithmically farther a way from the centre, the
steps will not be equal, but will be increasing, because the
acceleration of the expansion of the logarithmic spiral is increasing.
All the nature creatures, which follow a spiral track, are
following a logarithmic spiral track, but in the universe case we do not
know the pitch of the heavens scroll logarithmic spiral path, but if we
consider that this spiral path has an effect and leaving a finger print
on the spiral galaxies, we can take our galaxy first as an example. As
we know our galaxy is assumed to have a spiral pitch nearly equal 12.
In Fig. 4, the pitch of the
logarithmic spiral is 10, which is near the value of our galaxy pitch,
if we supposed their is a light source at point (A) and we were
observing it from point (C) we will see it crossing nine units of
distance, if it follows a straight line, but if this light followed a
curved path through the fabric of the cosmos in the whole universe in a
spiral track as it should do, like the one shown in the Fig. 5, this
light will cross 27 units of distance until reaching the Earth, so it
will take 3 times the time that it will take, if it comes to us through
the straight track, in another way, the time the light need to reach
point C is delayed, and so it will measure a higher age.
This means for the same spiral
shape in Fig. 5, if the straight distance between points (A) and (C)
equals (4.567) units (where each unit equals 1 billion years), the
length of the spiral track between points (A) and (C) will be 3 times of
the (4.567) distance, which will equal (13.701) units, or 13.701
billion years which is the age of our universe, while the first number
is the age of the oldest known solid constituents within meteorites that
are formed within the solar system with an age nearly equal that of the
Earth, the 13.701 billion years measured if divided by the scientific
measured age of the universe, the result = 99.64 %.
Did our light follow such a
spiral path, that it reached us delayed 3 times the actual time that it
would take to reach us, if it went in a straight line between us and the
universe first radiated light and hence it is measuring three times the
actual age of the universe? With the assumed conclusion like that, is
the age of the universe really equals that of the Earth?
But if the age of the Earth is
equal to the age of the universe, from were did the Earth come, as it is
assumed to be created from the Sun that is assumed to be created after
the universe creation by nine billion years?
At this point it need to be
noted that the Earth creation from the Sun is a scientific assumption,
which can be falsified by knowing that the vast number of the Earth’s
elements are not available in the sun, furthermore the Sun is not rocky,
not cold, no water, no life. Do not this means that the Earth has a
special way of creation that can support life through infinite number of
physical, biological, chemical... systems supported by life which still
can not be created by all the humanity even in one cell.
But how can I support these results with other proofs?
The only one who know if the
universe that is enveloped by the heavens has a shape of a scroll is
only the one who created it, the only one who claimed that he created it
is God (Allah) who claimed that through the books he sent down to his
profits (Moses: Torah (Old Testament), Jesus: Bible, Mohammed: The
Quran), so what did God mention about the heavens in his books?
In the Old Testament, we read the following:
Isaiah 34:4 All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll;
New American Standard Bible (©1995): And the sky will be rolled up like a scroll;
The phrases here indicates
clearly that the end shape of the heavens or sky is like a scroll, but
what is its shape of it at the beginning, if it is like a scroll, this
means in-between the start and the ends its shape is a spiral
logarithmic folded paper, but where can we get the answer and the proof?
Before more than 1400 years God
also sent down the Quran to Mohammed who was not reading or writing, in
the Quran we find the following:
Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet
for the records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
[That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it) (Surat
Al-'Anbyā': 104)
It is clear here that the Quran
is adding that at the beginning of creation of the heaven its shape was
like a folded sheet (a scroll), the verse further shows that the heaven
will be folded back, which means the heaven will finish its expansion
like an expanded scroll, which agree with what was mentioned in the Old
These proofs further agree with
the greatest unexplained amazing scientific discovery, which is the
accelerating expansion of the universe, which turned over most of our
prior theories and models of the universe, were a scroll when released
to expand, it will accelerate in its expansion.
But, to say the universe shape
is like a scroll, implements that the actual age of the universe is
shorter than the calculated cosmological one (13.72 billion years), it
may be short until its equal the age of the Earth, but is the heavenly
holy books are supporting that, that is to say the age of the heaven and
the Earth are nearly equal 4.5 - 4.7 billion years?
Actually the Bible and Quran both agreed about the creation sequence, where the Bible mentioned the following:
«The sun, moon, and stars were created only after" the earth "below was created. » (Gen. 1:9-18).
While in the Quran:
is He who created for you all of that which is in the earth. Then He
directed Himself to the heaven, [His being above all creation], and made
them seven heavens, and He is knowing of all things) (Surat Al Baqarah:
So, the model proposed here for
the shape of the universe, supports the discoveries related to the
universe’s a- accelerated expansion b- temperature decrease c- the
symmetry of celestial bodies distribution d- their movements through the
universe e- reshaping of the celestial bodies f- the driving power
(dark energy) of the universe expansion which is the stored energy in
the originally folded scroll.
It further supports what is
mentioned in the holy books about the age of the heavens which is nearly
equal to that of the Earth, it also supports the verse mentioned in the
Quran about the heavens expansion which is the greatest scientific
discovery in the history, but simply which is mentioned before that
discovery by 13 centuries in the Holy Quran where the Quran mentioned:
(And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are its expander) (Adh-Dhāriyāt: 47)
But for those who did not
believe in God, I remind them by a further Quranic verse that is drawing
a figure of the heavens end shape:
have not appraised Allah (God) with true appraisal, while the earth
entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him) (Surat Az-Zumar: 67)
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Written by: Eng. Wasfi Amin Alshdaifat (Author, Inventor).
wasfi974@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
1- A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae, Edwin Hubble, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1929 March 15; 15(3): 168–173.
11-Universe Revealed More- Continuing Einstein׳s Revolution. Eng. Wasfi Amin Alshdaifat, 2008.